Project Steering Committee
The Project Steering Committee will be established to provide general oversight and guidance to the project, facilitate inter-agency coordination and monitor national-level activities. The Project Steering Committee will be comprised of personalities representing key sectors and institutions and will ensure the project fits within local, national, and international needs.
The Project Management Unit, based in the National Genebank in Khumaltar, Lalitpur, will provide secretariat support to all Project Steering Committee meetings, including recording of minutes and distribution of the minutes at least two weeks in advance of the next meeting to all participants and invited observers.
Terms of Reference of the Project Steering Committee
The Project Steering Committee will hold its meetings at least one time per year and its primary activities are to:
- Provide general oversight and guidance to the project
- Facilitate inter-agency coordination
- Review and approve the annual work plans and annual technical reports
- Review budget and co-financing status
- Supervise the evaluation, monitoring and reporting aspects of the national component
- Review and advise on implementation of national project component, as defined in the project logframe and work plan, through the evaluation of bi-annual reports, records of meetings and other relevant documents
- Monitor inputs of international and national partners, ensuring that project obligations are fulfilled in a timely and coordinated fashion
- Review and approve national components outputs
Project Steering Committee Members
- Joint Secretary, Food Security and Environment Division, MoAD, Coordinator
- Joint Secretary, GEF Focal Point, MoF, Member
- Joint Secretary, Environment Division, MoFSC, Member
- Director General, Department of Agriculture, Member
- Director, Planning and Coordination, NARC, Member
- Senior Program Management/Liaison Officer (CGIAR,FAO), UNEP, Member
- Global Project Director, Bioversity International, Member
- Executive Director, LI-BIRD, Member
- Representative, ICIMOD, Member
- Women Farmer Representative, Member
- National Project Coordinator, Chief, NAGRC, Member Secretary