AllDissertationsField GuidesInformation FlyersJournal ArticlesPostersProject ReportsResearch Methodology मादले काँक्रोः परिचय र उत्पादन प्रविधि TRADITIONAL CROPS FOR HOUSEHOLD FOOD SECURITY AND FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH ON-FARM DIVERSITY IN THE MOUNTAINS OF NEPAL Generation, Gender and Knowledge Gap in Agrobiodiversity Among Smallholders in Nepal THREATS, DRIVERS, AND CONSERVATION IMPERATIVE OF AGROBIODIVERSITY Exploiting Biodiversity of Traditional Crops for Mainstreaming Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture in Nepal Good Practices for Agrobiodiversity Management Traditional Crop Biodiversity for Mountain Food and Nutrition Security in Nepal The Fate of Mountain Farming System Relies on Female Farmers: A case of Dolakha , Nepal Value Chain Development of Traditional Crops for Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture Study of gender roles in bean production system in Jumla district Himalayan Super Foods Development of Proso Millet Dehusker Grassroots breeding: a simple participatory crop improvement approach Promising mountain crops | landraces for varietal registration and promotion Diversity Field School (DFS) for Managing Agrobiodiversity Climate change trends in the Mountains of Nepal: Implications for Traditional Crops Geographical Indication for Secure Marketing with Premium Price and Conserving Unique Landraces On-farm जातिय मिश्रित खेती : जोखखि रहित खेति र जातीय आनुवंशिक स्रोत संरक्षण गर्ने एक सरल तरिका Red Zoning Agricultural Areas and Red Listing Landraces for Stopping Loss of Agricultural Genetic Resources through Priority Conservation Work On farm Trials and Preferential Ranking for Facilitated Decision on Choice and Registration of Crop Cultivars (Varieties and Landraces) ROLE OF INTRA-SPECIFIC VARIETAL MIXTURE IN POLLINATION SERVICES: A CASE STUDY IN BUCKWHEAT (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) गौरीशंकर गाउँपालिका १ र २, जुंगू, दोलखामा पाइने रैथाने बालीका जातहरु खार्पुनाथ गाउँपालिका वडा नं. ४, छिप्रा, हुम्लामा पाइने रैथाने बालीका जातहरु तातोपानी गाँउपालिका वडा नं. ४, हाँकु, जुम्लामा पाइने रैथाने बालीका जातहरू मर्स्याङ्दी गाउँपालिका १ र २, घनपोखरा, लमजुङमा पाइने रैथाने बालीका जातहरू सामुदायिक बीउ बैंकसम्बन्धी दोस्रो राष्ट्रिय कार्यशाला गोष्ठीः प्रतिवेदन, सुझाउ र कार्ययोजना (Workshop Recommendation and Action Plan) Rebuilding Local Seed System of Native Crops in Earthquake Affected Areas of Nepal परिवर्तनका कथाहरू बरियो कागुनो र यसको खेती प्रविधि रातो कोदो: परिचय तथा खेती–प्रविधि रातो लट्टे : परिचय तथा खेती–प्रविधि Catalogue of Traditional Mountain Crop Landraces in Nepal हिमाली भेगको लागि स्थानीय बालीका उत्कृष्ठ जातहरु Adaptability of Naked Barley Landraces in Mountain Agro-ecosystem of Nepal Conservation and Sustainable Use of Traditional Crop Biodiversity in the Mountain Agroecosystems of Nepal Farmers’ access to quality and diverse seed in Nepal: Implications for seed sector development कृषि प्रणालीले प्रदान गर्ने पारिस्थितीकीय सेवाहरू दुधे चिनोः परिचय तथा खेती–प्रविधि Community Seed Banks In Nepal: 2nd National Workshop Proceedings रामेछाप हरियो लट्टेः परिचय र उत्पादन प्रविधी पहेंलो सिमीः परिचय तथा खेती–प्रविधि खैरो घिउ सिमीः परिचय तथा खेती–प्रविधि Agro‑morphological diversity of Nepalese naked barley landraces विविधता मार्फत समाधान (Diversity rich solution) GEF-LCP Brochure Nepali GEF UNEP Nepal Project Poster Rebuilding Local Seed System and Safeguarding Conservation of Agrobiodiversity in the Aftermath of Nepal 2015 Earthquake Intra-Varietal Diversity in Landrace and Modern Variety of Rice and Buckwheat Nepalese Foxtail Nillet [Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.] Genetic Diversity Revealed by Morphological Narkers Diversity in proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) landraces collected from Himalayan mountains of Nepal On-Farm Diversity Assessment And Evaluation Of Finger Millet Genotypes In The Mid Hills Of Nepal Diversity Sourcing Of Foxtail Millet Through Diversity Assessment And On-Farm Evaluation सामुदायिक बीउ बैंक: स्थापना तथा व्यवस्थापन स्रोत पुस्तिका Baseline Report, Hanku, Jumla Baseline Survey Report, Chhipra, Humla जातीय मिश्रित खेतीप्रणाली र यसका फाइदाहरू स्थानीय बाली परियोजना-छिप्रा, हुम्ला स्थानीय बाली परियोजना-जुंगू, दोलखा स्थानीय बाली परियोजना-हांकु, जुम्ला स्थानीय बाली परियोजना-घनपोखरा, लमजुङ A Field Guide To Participatory Methods For Sourcing New Crop Diversity Towards an Agroecological Framework for the Evaluation of Community Seed Banks: A Case Study of Nepal Released and Promising Crop Varieties for Mountain Agriculture in Nepal (1959-2016) Baseline Survey Report, Ghanapokhara, Lamjung Baseline Survey Report, Jungu, Dolakha Seed systems of rice and finger millet in Nepal, between formality and informality Diversity assessment of foxtail millet (Setaria italica L. Beauv) accessions collected from different locations of Nepal Resilient Seeds: Understanding Access and Benefit-sharing Mechanisms in Law and Policy through the prism of Resilience Agromorphological Characterisation of Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica L. Beauv) at Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal Cultivar mixtures in bean reduced disease infection and increased grain yield under mountain environment of Nepal Hanku: Assessing the Effects of Land-Use Change on Agrobiodiversity An Introduction to Diversity Field School A Guide to the Successful Implementation of Community Biodiversity Management A Guide to the Identification and Importance of Custodian Farmers A Field Guide for Identification and Scoring Methods of Diseases in the Mountain Crops of Nepal चिसो सहने धानको खेती र बीउ–उत्पादन प्रविधि (जानकारी पत्र) Agromorphological Characterisation of Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica L. Beauv) at Rampur, Chitwan Periodical Deviation in Climate and its Impact on Agriculture in High Hill of Nepal, Jumla सिमीखेती र बीउ उत्पादन प्रविधि (जानकारी पत्र) फापरखेती र बीउ उत्पादन प्रविधि (जानकारी पत्र) उवाखेती र बीउ उत्पादन प्रविधि (जानकारी पत्र) कागुनोखेती र बीउ उत्पादन प्रविधि (जानकारी पत्र) चिनोखेती र बीउ उत्पादन प्रविधि (जानकारी पत्र) कोदोखेती र बीउ उत्पादन प्रविधि (जानकारी पत्र) लट्टेखेती तथा बीउ उत्पादन प्रविधि (जानकारी पत्र) Himalayan Superfoods Himalayan Foods: Healthy and Nutritious Crop Varieties Integrating Traditional Crop Genetic Diversity for Mountain Food Security