Periodical Deviation in Climate and its Impact on Agriculture in High Hill of Nepal, Jumla
Authors: Aruna Parajuli and Deepak Upadhya
Year: 2016
Journal: Indian Journal of Economics and Development 12: 427-434.
Abstract: Meterological data on temperature and rainfall for the period of 30 years was analysed using statistical tools to see the periodical deviation of climate. The impact of changing climate on mountain agriculture has been reviewed. Gradual increase in minimum and maximum temperature was observed whereas magnitude of increase in maximum temperature is more than minimum. There has not been steady increase in rainfall indicating higher variability. The increased temperature and irregular rainfall pattern has resulted in occurrence of diseases/pest in mountain ecosystem having adverse effect on agricultural production. Increase in temperature has opened revenue for introduction of new agrobiodiversity, whereas negatively resulted in loss of existing diversity.
Keywords: Deviation, period, temperature and rainfall